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Skilled at Planning Events and Drawing Up Schedules? If So, This Company Needs You

Organizing calendars is no joke.

woman working on a laptop from home holding glasses

Every company needs a pretty darn good planner.

Whether it’s a massive enterprise or a small venture, it needs someone who can prepare the schedule and plan all social events. While scribbling details on a calendar hardly sounds like arduous work, it is actually difficult, not to mention vital for a company’s success.

Employers take planning skills into consideration when they make key hires. How awesome would it be if there were an organization that specialized in supplying personnel focused exclusively on planning and scheduling matters?

Thankfully, this isn’t an imaginary scenario. Such an organization does exist, and it’s hiring at this very moment!

Do you thrive on planning and organization? If you do, apply for a remote position at Paragon Planners. Through this site, you can monetize your planning skills by lending your expertise to clients that could use some order.

More on Paragon Planners

Paragon Planners is the brainchild of two forward-thinking women.

Back in 2002, Cheryl Learfield discovered that a former colleague had achieved great success in organizing clients’ schedules. Before long, Learfield and her sister-in-law, Trina Gardner, ventured into the same line of work and haven’t looked back.

“The clients we were scheduling for became top performers in their company, so we kept getting referrals,” Gardner said in a 2020 article. “We began hiring friends of friends who wanted to work from home to match with new clients. It was time to amp it up and figure it out.”

And amp it up they did. Since launching Paragon Planners in 2002, they have constantly refined “the scheduling experience” to put their clients in the best position to succeed. Through innovative strategies in data analysis, Paragon Planners has steadily increased the quantity and quality of the organizational services it provides.

At present, Paragon Planners offers the following services:

  • Scheduling and appointment-setting
  • Event planning and coordination
  • Hiring virtual assistants and financial advisor assistants
  • Marketing
  • Territory management
  • Admin/operations support

In the aforementioned 2020 piece, Learfield underscored the value of these services by describing how they helped clients during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“We increased employee engagement with more resources, training, and collaboration. We have long-term relationships with our clients, who rely on us for insight, and we have collaborated with them to find great solutions.”

Ultimately, Gardner attributed the success of Paragon Planners to its dedicated workforce, calling it “the biggest game-changer.” The company continues to seek versatile individuals to bolster its ranks, which means that you now have an opportunity to make an impact.

What qualifications do you need?

Take note that Paragon Planners is recruiting people who reside in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.

Generally, Paragon Planners looks for applicants who have a high school diploma (or equivalent) as a minimum educational attainment. 

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Since you’ll be working remotely, make sure that your equipment meets the company’s specifications. Among other things, you must have a strong internet connection, a reliable microphone, a webcam, and a set of speakers.

Hourly rates vary according to the complexity of the position. The number of hours worked also determines the benefits you’ll be receiving. The package you’re offered may include health, dental, and vision insurance; 401(k) matching; and monthly expense reimbursement.

Also, the company will make sure that you feel comfortable in your role by providing in-depth training, as well as professional development opportunities and an ongoing support system.

Ready to plan and schedule for a living? Click here to view the current job openings at Paragon Planners!

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