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Unleash Your Creative Talent as a Full-Time Romance Ghostwriter on This Online Platform

Everyone needs a bit of romance in their life, even if only vicarious.

colorful painting of a typewriter

We think it’s safe to say that writers are always looking for exciting projects. Do you happen to be a writer with a passion for romance and the ability to craft stories that leave readers clamoring for more? If that’s the case, here’s an awesome opportunity for your consideration courtesy of HotGhostWriter (HGW).

About HGW

HGW touts itself as a company totally committed to high-quality writing and punctual delivery. It takes pride in facilitating the creation of stories that captivate vast audiences. Supported by its team of dedicated writers, HGW nurtures a professional environment conducive to productive working relationships.

Launched in 2016 by successful self-published author Delfim Alvaro, HGW defines its mission as follows: “We want to see you succeed, that’s why we are committed to delivering great books and making self-publishing as simple as possible, enabling you to grow a successful publishing business or expand/grow your brand.” 

What will be expected of you?

As a full-time romance ghostwriter for HGW, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of this genre. Your responsibility will be to write captivating romance eBooks on behalf of clients. In case you’re new to ghostwriting, you should know that your name will not appear on the cover: The credit will go to the client. For each project, you will need to adapt your writing style so you can help the client realize their vision while making recommendations on content as needed.

What are the requirements?

HGW is in search of experienced romance writers who can weave riveting stories, holding the audience captive with tension, suspense, and masterful character development. Having no previous experience in the romance genre won’t disqualify you: HGW is willing to consider candidates who are ready to do the necessary research and learn as long as this doesn’t affect their writing schedule.

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To be eligible for this position, you must be a writer who is a native English speaker and resides in the United States, the U.K., Canada, or Australia. A commitment to deadlines is a key requirement, as well as the ability to write 3,000 to 4,000 words a day. You will also be expected to communicate promptly with team members and clients. To ensure the success of your projects, you should be familiar with audience preferences so you can produce content that resonates with readers.

How about pay?

Full-time fiction writers at HGW earn $20 per 1,000 words. Given that many projects on the platform reach 100,000 words and the delivery timeframe is four weeks, you could be making up to $2,000 monthly. The great thing is that projects come to you—you’re spared the hassle of bidding or applying. You’ll receive weekly payments for your approved work, enjoying a steady income stream.

How do you apply?

To apply for this position, submit three fiction samples, each ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words. Make sure you pick samples that showcase your storytelling abilities. Obviously, they should be your own work, and you’ll retain the copyright to them. Keep in mind that you may have to provide a copy of your resume and photo ID for verification.

Ready to make your mark as a ghostwriter with HGW? Submit your application here and let the world delight in your masterfully crafted romance stories!

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