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Unlock Your Potential: Become an Ambassador with

Helping grandparents to pass on their stories can be fulfilling and lucrative.

two grandparents holding a book sitting on a sofa

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Every family has interesting stories. Although these stories are sometimes passed along through generations, details are often lost. Some stories are even forgotten entirely. helps grandparents and older people preserve cherished family memories in the form of “mini memoirs” for future generations. Through the Leave a Legacy Ambassador program, you can earn handsome rewards when you refer new clients.

Imagine earning up to $359 just by helping others document their life stories in exquisitely crafted books. You have the opportunity to make a difference, ensuring that precious memories transcend time, while earning commission. The process? As simple as sharing a story over a cup of tea. Refer clients to, and watch as you become part of a larger narrative, one that celebrates life and the legacies that shape us. Although the service is targeted at older clients, Leave a Legacy packages also make fantastic gifts from children and grandchildren who want to remember loved ones and preserve their family’s rich history.

Why wait? Visit the Ambassadors page to discover how you can start earning while helping people weave a rich tapestry of memories that will be cherished for generations. It’s more than a side hustle—it’s a journey into the heart of storytelling.For details, head over to the Ambassadors page.

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