
How Much Do People Make?

From “normal” jobs like teachers to crazy jobs like astronaut, here’s what people make around the world.

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Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)

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Admit it: sometimes you get really curious about how much money other people are making. You are definitely not the only one! Unfortunately, many cultures tend to discourage talking about wages and salaries. There is never anything wrong with wanting to know the deets. Knowledge is power, and no matter what we have been taught, money does not have to be a taboo subject.

Whether you are looking for a potential career change from a criminally underpaid industry (looking at you and thanking you, teachers and nurses!) or if you are simply curious, it couldn’t hurt to take a look at all of the different ways people bring home the bread and butter… and exactly how much bread and butter they are bringing home, if you catch our drift. If you have ever wondered how much people are making, from the remote jobs that will have you sitting pretty to what your favorite Instagram influencer rakes in to the actual salaries of some of the most dangerous jobs in the world, we’ve got you covered.

  1. Average and top professors
  2. Bodyguards
  3. Chess players
  4. College graduates
  5. Doctors
  6. Flight attendants
  7. Heavy men and skinny women
  8. High rise-window washers
  9. Instagrammers
  10. Members of unions
  11. Men vs. women
  12. Musicians on Spotify
  13. New Yorkers
  14. People making minimum wage in each country
  15. People who get paid to watch TV
  16. People with the highest-paying jobs in the US
  17. People with the highest-paying remote jobs
  18. Remote customer service people
  19. Software developers at top firms
  20. Software engineering managers
  21. The 1% of earners in each US state
  22. The richest person in each US state
  23. The top 1% in each country
  24. The world’s most dangerous jobs
  25. Treasure hunters
  26. Twitch streamers
how much do people make
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Work for Facebook from Home and Earn $1,150 a Week (You Don’t Even Need a Degree!)

crowded street crossing

How Much Do Things Cost?