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Want Coupons, Credits, and Cashbacks? This Shopping Platform Has You Covered

Shop, save money, repeat.

3d shopping icons on a see through smartphone screen

We could all use a scout to help us in our shopping endeavors. Whether it’s Mom, Dad, or your crafty next-door neighbor, you get the most mileage out of your budget if a little birdie tells you where all the great deals are.

What if there’s an entire digital platform devoted to getting you all those sweet deals? Then, by all means, you make the most of it when you do your online shopping.

Luckily, such a website already exists, and it goes by the name Capital One Shopping.

At Capital One Shopping, it’s great deals galore as you explore all options for your needs and wants. If you’re on the hunt for a platform that will pare your shopping expenses, Capital One Shopping is the place to visit.

What’s this Capital One Shopping you speak of?

This platform got its start in 2014 under the name Wikibuy. Even then, its goal was to help customers find ways to save money on their purchases from retail outlets.

In 2018, Wikibuy was acquired by Capital One for an undisclosed amount. Yes, that Capital One, which is among the biggest names in the credit card industry. (How big, you ask? For the 2021 fiscal year, the company reported net revenue of $30.4 billion. Pretty big all right.)

Since Capital One ultimately aims to level the playing field for all American consumers, it comes as no surprise that it has deployed the former Wikibuy brand to help its clients stretch every precious dollar. Thus, you can be sure that Capital One Shopping is a reliable tool that will make your shopping a smooth experience, and, in the long run, spur your financial growth.

What does Capital One Shopping have to offer?

Here are the ways in which you can save money when you use the Capital One Shopping extension, website, or app:

  • Coupons, coupons, and more coupons!

Did you know that Capital One Shopping has more than 30,000 retail partners? If you’re browsing items on the website of one of these partners, you can click the “try codes” button to see if you can grab a coupon. Sooner or later, you’re bound to benefit from the codes and coupons brought to you by Capital One Shopping.

  • C is for comparison as well

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Swagbucks – Earn free gifts and cash-back rebates by searching the web, playing games, watching videos, shopping, and more.

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For a wide range of products, Capital One Shopping will do the heavy work of searching for better prices in the vast online ocean. Through the Capital One Shopping extension, you can easily see the lower prices for items you’re interested in, and you’ll even get to find out exactly how much you’ll be saving.

  • Don’t forget credits and cashbacks!

The Capital One Shopping experience is rewarding. Literally. You can earn rewards (or, to use their official name, Capital One Shopping credits) when you buy from certain sites. If you accumulate enough credits, you can avail yourself of gift cards you can use when you shop at big-time retailers such as Walmart or eBay.

Oh, did we mention that cashbacks are front and center on the Capital One Shopping website? Right off the bat, you’re greeted with a myriad of options: 8% back on your purchase, 15% back, 50% back…

Sounds too good to be true? Capital One Shopping is as real as it gets. Head over to the official website to find out how you can benefit from this digital platform. (If you do love it, make sure to tell Mom, Dad, and…well, all your crafty neighbors who have been nice to you this year.)

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