Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)
More ways to make money:
FlexJobs – Find remote and flexible jobs in over 50 career fields from all over the world.
Swagbucks – Earn free gifts and cash-back rebates by searching the web, playing games, watching videos, shopping, and more.
Writers Work – Find freelance writing jobs and publish your articles, all while working from home.
Public.com – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.
Question: Which profession has the highest net worth on average?
Answer: The profession with the highest net worth on average is actually engineering. According to a study by wealth management firm, WealthEngineers, engineers have an average net worth of $2.5 million, which is higher than any other profession. This is likely due to the high earning potential of engineers, as well as their reputation for being frugal and financially responsible. The study found that many engineers prioritize saving and investing their money, which allows them to build significant wealth over time. Other professions that tend to have high net worths include finance, law, and medicine.