Data entry is a critical component of just about every business out there. Since information is the lifeline of employers and organizations, someone has to do the “basic” work of inputting and managing data.
Guess what? That someone could be you.
Quility, a company that provides insurance and financial wellness services, is looking for a data entry specialist to join its ranks. Given the fields where this company operates, it’s evident that the proper handling of data is exceedingly important to it.
Responsibilities of a data entry specialist
So, what exactly does data entry entail? While entering details into a computer system is a huge part of it, there are other tasks a data entry specialist needs to carry out.
For one, you need to keep the data constantly updated. Obsolete details aren’t exactly helpful, you know. Related to this, you have to review and verify all the data entered into the system to ensure its accuracy and validity.
If you have a keen sense of time, that’s going to be a plus for you. Data entry specialists need to keep tabs on key dates indicated in contracts, as well as dates of receipt and completion.
It’s not just facts and figures you’ll be interacting with. There’s a whole bunch of people you have to contact—colleagues who need briefing on the software programs employed by the company and technical staff who could use your help in resolving hardware and software problems.
Lastly, you will craft reports and back-up versions. On the one hand, you need to disseminate concise write-ups of the data you’re handling. On the other, you’ll be providing “insurance” to this insurance company by creating back-up files that can salvage all of you in worst-case scenarios.
Let’s get this straight once and for all: Data entry is anything but basic. It’s more complex than it seems, precisely because it’s hugely significant to companies like Quility.
That’s where you come in.
Here’s what you need to have in order to apply for the work-from-home post of data entry specialist.
First, Quility is looking for bachelor’s degree holders in finance, business administration, or related fields. In lieu of said degree, you can have an equivalent number of years in terms of contract experience.
The company is also keen to have workers who’ve dipped their toes in data entry and contract review. It’s a bonus if you have experience working in customer service.
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Since you’ll be dealing with data all day long, you need to possess the following qualities: accuracy, efficiency, organizational skills, time management, and technical know-how (especially when it comes to data management software).
Oh, and you’ll need to follow ethical practices as well. You’re not the type to breach confidentiality guidelines, are you?
As a data entry specialist, you’ll earn between $18 and $24 per hour. If you have what it takes, head over here to get your application moving. Quility could surely use your skills and experience with data, that all-important lifeline.