What do Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, and CNN have in common?
While “big company” and “household name” are legitimate answers, these organizations also happen to be clients of the same transcription services provider.
It certainly isn’t easy to earn the trust of these major players in their respective fields, so you have to give props to San Francisco-based QuickTate.
Would you, by any chance, be looking to earn some money as a transcriptionist? If so, you may want to give QuickTate a shot. After all, Coca-Cola did.
More on QuickTate
Launched in 2008, QuickTate specializes in transcription and call auditing—two services that are very much in demand in this day and age.
Let’s talk about transcription first. The QuickTate team processes a variety of audio files to come up with high-quality transcripts. Formats transcribed at QuickTate include the following:
- Voicemail messages
- General reports
- Medical reports
- Veterinary reports
- Insurance files
- Legal notes
As you can tell, transcriptionists at QuickTate can find themselves listening to some highly sensitive content. To put its clients at ease, QuickTate guarantees that only the designated transcriptionist and proofreader will get to access any one particular file. In addition, QuickTate employs SSL encryption when sending and receiving files online.
QuickTate is also compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This act sets national standards pertaining to the privacy, access, and disclosure of health information—standards that are firmly upheld by QuickTate.
Let’s make one thing clear, though: Only audio files whose duration is under five minutes are accommodated by the QuickTate platform (which includes an iOS app, a voice recorder, an email address, and even an API). If a client wants transcription of an audio file that lasts five minutes or longer, they should check out the iDictate service instead. (This isn’t exactly a competitor: QuickTate and iDictate operate under the same umbrella company.)
In addition, QuickTate also offers call auditing solutions geared toward improving organizations’ customer service. By analyzing and evaluating phone conversations and other audio files, QuickTate’s team members help companies identify their strengths and pinpoint areas of improvement when it comes to satisfying customer needs.
So many audio files, and so many clients in need! QuickTate can sure use some help, and you might be the one to provide it.
How can you join the QuickTate team?
To qualify as a transcriptionist for QuickTate, you need to possess the following:
- Proficiency in grammar and spelling
- Sharp listening skills
- Good moral character; no record of conviction (because of the whole confidentiality thing)
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You also need to have your own equipment and workspace. Be ready to take a number of tests as well, including a typing one. Should you pass these tests, QuickTate will run a background check on you. Be warned that the company expects you to pick up the tab for this background check—it will cost you $20.
QuickTate team members are considered independent contractors. As a QuickTate transcriptionist, you can work as many hours as you like, on any day of the week.
Ready to give QuickTate a shot? Head over here to sign up.
If you do make the cut, you can pat yourself on the back and proudly say that you have something in common with Wells Fargo and CNN.