If you feel awkward talking on the phone or it always feels like a chore, you are not alone. Not only do many people prefer sending messages or engaging in other types of asynchronous communication, but to some, talking on the phone can even be a source of anxiety.
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Public.com – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.
Making or receiving a phone call can feel jarring or unsettling, especially when it was not discussed in advance through a text. Luckily, there are some remote jobs that no longer include cold-calling people or spending valuable time gabbing on the phone.
GoStudent is a platform for tutors. It eliminates the hassle of searching for students and allows tutors to teach a wide variety of subjects, including English, math, Latin, and history.
With GoStudent, you have the opportunity to:
- Work 100% remotely
- Schedule your classes when it is convenient for you
- Offer independent tutoring using the GoStudent platform
- Always have a steady stream of students, unlike many other teaching platforms
- Share your knowledge and skills with a new generation
- Make up to $3,820 per month teaching full-time (If you can only give 10 lessons a week, you can still earn almost $1,000!)
Your job responsibilities will include:
- Lesson planning and tutoring. That’s it! No admin, no marketing or posting ads, no stress. You only need to focus on what you already love to do, and the rewards will follow.
The ideal candidate:
- Can commit to a minimum of six sessions per week
- Has an education level of a high school diploma (preferably higher)
- Owns a laptop and has a steady internet connection
- Truly loves his or her subject and is willing to take a quiz to prove their expertise
- Feels comfortable in front of the camera
If this simple process for molding young minds sounds appealing to you, apply here to work for GoStudent. This job does not require you to make a single phone call. Thank goodness for the internet!