
How Expensive Is Your State Compared to Your Neighbors? This Data Says It All

The grass isn’t always greener across your state border, especially when it comes to housing costs.

dollar signs on the map of north america

Ah, the Great American Road Trip: driving fast down the interstate, stopping at an old roadside attraction every once in a while, singing along to your favorite playlist with someone you love on a spontaneous adventure to the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls or maybe even the World’s Largest Ball of Twine.

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You cross the border into the next state and pull into the gas station to refuel. You run your credit card only to realize that gas costs double what you pay in your state. With a sigh, you get into your car and turn around. Time for another staycation.

As costs rise across the board, from gas to housing to food, you might be considering a move. Unfortunately, even in cities with lower-than-average costs of living, median salaries and wages haven’t caught up yet.

If you’re grocery shopping in Louisville, KY, you might be paying almost half of what your fellow Americans are paying in Honolulu. However, Louisville is far from being the city with the cheapest rent in the country—an Oklahoma city takes the top spot.  

If you’re curious about how much people are paying in neighboring states compared to your current expenses, check out this detailed chart from Experian, a leading consumer credit reporting company.

(Click the infographic to enlarge it.)

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