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How Much Does a Cyber Attack Cost to Fix?

Don’t end up on the phish hook.

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If your knowledge of hackers is based on movies, you probably envision them as an organized group of people sporting black trench coats and tiny sunglasses, expertly typing a series of lime-green ones and zeros on a computer to break their way into a mysterious mainframe. 

Real cyber attacks might not look as sexy, but they’re still incredibly serious—and costly to recover from. Your company’s internal system may seem attack-proof, but there are always ways to improve cybersecurity and prevent a devastating data breach. Some methods to consider would be investing in cybersecurity monitoring software, familiarizing yourself with common scams (like phishing and spyware), and properly configuring your cloud storage services. 

Not convinced? Check exactly how ruinous a cyber attack could be for your company, categorized and expressed below in millions of dollars.

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