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Looking for Data Entry Jobs? This Site Will Pay You to Process Voter Data

Take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts!

hand holding a sign that says "I voted"

Knowledge is power, especially when you’re running an election campaign.

Folks at the grassroots level know this all too well. Big-time backers have a huge advantage in terms of financial resources and social influence. So, what could give ordinary citizens an edge when they throw their weight behind a candidate?

The answer? Good old-fashioned strategizing. Grassroots organizers, however, can’t deploy effective campaign tactics without using a comprehensive and accurate pool of data. Having plenty of information on the voting population is perhaps their best shot at securing a victory in elections.

Would you like to make some money by updating databases with voter information? We’ve found a website just for you!

Sigtrack is a digital platform that provides data entry jobs connected to grassroots campaigns. Take advantage of this opportunity to perform simple data-related tasks in exchange for additional income!

Let’s talk about the qualifications

Perhaps the most enticing feature of Sigtrack is its simple set of required qualifications. 

You need to be a U.S. citizen to be eligible for this job. In order to verify your citizenship, Sigtrack will ask you to upload official documentation (e.g. a video clip that shows your driver’s license or state ID). Proof of U.S. citizenship is crucial since you’ll be accessing voter data as part of your work for Sigtrack. 

However, there’s a bit of sad news when it comes to eligibility: Those who reside or work in California or Massachusetts can’t apply for these data entry jobs.

As for equipment, it is highly recommended that you have either a 4K monitor or a second monitor with a 1080p resolution since a dual-monitor setup will make it easier for you to carry out data entry assignments. Depending on your computer, you need to have Windows 10/11 or MacOS 10.14 or higher plus a strong internet connection.

What type of data entry will you be doing?

Here are examples of data entry jobs that you’ll find on Sigtrack:

  • Updating databases with information coming from voters
  • Processing forms, petitions, and other voter registration documents
  • Verifying data petition signatures

You’ll need to be a fast typer and have the keenest of eye for detail. Voter data is not to be trifled with, so be certain to handle every piece of information with the greatest diligence.

How will you get paid?

Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)

More ways to make money:
FlexJobs – Find remote and flexible jobs in over 50 career fields from all over the world.

Swagbucks – Earn free gifts and cash-back rebates by searching the web, playing games, watching videos, shopping, and more.

Writers Work – Find freelance writing jobs and publish your articles, all while working from home. – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.

Sigtrack uses PayPal to send payments, so make sure you have a working PayPal account when you commence your application. Speaking of payments, the amount of money you make will be determined by two key factors: speed and accuracy. In other words, you stand to maximize your earning potential if you work quickly and effectively.

Here’s a piece of advice from the site’s “How Pay Works” section: “Treat your first 20 hours as practice and don’t plan on seeing much money until you’ve gone through the learning curve.” To put it another way, be patient as you master the steps necessary to perform these data entry jobs.

On a final note, Sigtrack does not always accept job applications. Right now, though, you have a great window of opportunity as the site shows the following message: “We are now accepting new users.”

Make haste and take your shot by signing up for Sigtrack right away!

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