
Save Your Money; Don’t Fall For These Tourist Scams

Even when you’re vacationing, don’t let your guard down!

Tourist trying to navigate foreign city and avoid scams

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Summer is a great time for a getaway—except, of course, if you let a scammer get their way. As you prepare to go places and bask in the sun, don’t get burned by these subtle (and even not-so-subtle) tactics. Swindlers, after all, are quick to strike whenever they sense that a tourist’s guard is down.

Whether you’re walking down some picturesque streets, riding public transport, or simply chilling out at your hotel, keep your eyes peeled. Tourist scams can pop up anywhere, anytime. Remember: vacations are meant for moments of relaxation…not frantic calls to the local police station! You’ve been warned.

To avoid these scams at all costs, check out this infographic from Just the Flight, a British travel website.

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