Are you looking for a different kind of flexible work—the kind that would offer you a fresh challenge? If transcription and pet sitting don’t exactly cut it for you nowadays, there are plenty of other options out there.
Like, say, courthouse research.
As a courthouse researcher, you’ll be collecting information from legal documents held at courthouses. Think affidavits, intellectual property licenses, and contractor agreements, among many others.
If you don’t mind sifting through thick papers for a living, we’ve found a fresh challenge for you. is looking for courthouse researchers who can type efficiently and visit local courthouses from time to time. If you have a pretty good word-per-minute rate and are perfectly fine with traveling to a nearby courthouse, you should definitely give this flexible job a try.
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At this point, you might be asking what all that research is for. works with marketing companies across the United States, and these companies urgently need insights into real estate transactions. Of course, every time there is a transaction involving the purchase of a home or the attainment of a line of credit, a document is filed at a courthouse.
The good news is that courthouses don’t usually charge fees for access to these documents. Since a marketing company can stretch its workforce only up to a point, there aren’t always employees available for courthouse research assignments. Thus, any assistance offered by another entity would be welcome.
This is where steps in. Through this platform, individuals with time to spare and the necessary equipment can do the research on behalf of marketing companies.
Moreover, taps these individuals as independent contractors. This means that they are not full-fledged employees of or the marketing companies that need their help. Thus, these independent agents get to enjoy the flexibility of determining when and how much (or how little) they’ll work.
How can you earn money as a courthouse researcher?
To become a courthouse researcher for, you need to have a computer and a reliable internet connection.
Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)
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As an independent contractor, you should be able to cover your own travel expenses. For what it’s worth, offers this assurance: “Our per-record rate takes that into account. You may even be entitled to a number of tax benefits, so be sure to seek professional tax advice.”
Your earnings will be determined by the amount of research work you complete (as opposed to working on a fixed hourly rate). This means that the more information you can type and turn in, the more you’ll make.
Be aware, though, that takes into account both speed and accuracy. In other words, get your work done quickly, but make sure you get it right as well.
Care to give it a shot? Click here to find out more (including the areas where is hiring), and to get started on your application. “Courthouse researcher” would look pretty awesome on your resume, wouldn’t it?