In the professional realm, flexibility is the buzzword these days. Just about every young worker out there is actively pursuing flexible jobs, and even veteran employees are giving flexible arrangements a closer look.
Why is this? Well, after long years of working under a 9-to-5 regime, we must have decided that it’s time for something new. Given all the advantages offered by flexible jobs, rookies and old-timers alike seem to find such work arrangements hard to resist.
Flexibility is exactly what Great Virtual Works is promoting. This virtual contact center company assures its employees that they can earn a living pretty much the way they want. At Great Virtual Works, time and space are not constraints; rather, they are instruments to be harnessed by the creative 21st-century worker.
Now it’s time to mention that the company is looking for work-from-home agents to expand its global team.
More on Great Virtual Works
Since 2000, this company has maintained a steady foothold in the contact center industry.
Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Great Virtual Works caters to the customer service and sales needs of various companies within the U.S. For its good work in the outsourcing field, it has been given an A+ rating by non-profit organization Better Business Bureau.
To satisfy its clients’ needs, the company taps work-from-home agents for roles such as customer service agent and inbound sales agent. Through the diligence and skills of these team members, Great Virtual Works keeps its clients coming back for more.
What’s in it for the agents? The company’s selling points are “freedom, flexibility, and choice.” Yes, these terms mean pretty much the same thing in a work context, but put together, they make for an even more appealing pitch to modern-day professionals. Due to the drastic workplace changes brought about by the pandemic, 21st-century employees have awakened to all possibilities in terms of work arrangements.
By offering its agents the flexibility to set their own work hours, Great Virtual Works demonstrates its consideration for the complex everyday circumstances faced by many professionals out there. Plus, the remote arrangements mean that agents won’t have to worry about commuting to an office. Work-life balance, right?
In short, you have a well-established company offering work arrangements that give you more options to pursue personal and financial growth. That’s a company worth joining, isn’t it?
What can you expect from this job?
Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)
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Writers Work – Find freelance writing jobs and publish your articles, all while working from home. – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.
To qualify as a work-from-home agent for Great Virtual Works, you need to have the following:
- A personal computer that will pass the company’s PC assessment
- A noise-canceling headset
- A secure workspace at home
- A Payoneer account
In addition, you need to meet the requirements in a certification process that will be conducted online. After you earn this certification, you need to be ready with a revenue receipt for your Payoneer account.
As you’d expect in a contact center company, a huge portion of the work you’ll do as an agent is related to customer service and inbound sales. Therefore, you need to make sure that your interpersonal skills, communication competencies, and professional values leave nothing to be desired.
Ready to jump into Great Virtual Works’ flexible environment? Click here to fill in a candidate entry form.